
Showing posts from April, 2023

The making of Mrs Jane

 Anthony came to us with his first version of mrs jane that he created and released under his own name - As a band we kept the song relatively similar but learnt it straight away and changed a few parts. Because the song was already made we didn't have to really create anything new, so we started getting the recording down straight away.  this photo shows all of the mics we used to record mrs jane, from drum mics to the vocal mic. this device was connected to logic while it was recording, so we could all hear eachother(i could hear both guitars, vocals and bass but everyone muted the drums as i was in the room with them, s they would hear me loud and clear) it also allowed me to listen to a click track, so i could get the drums as tight as possible. after recording the final take we got isaac to mix it again. as a band plus another student we all recorded harmony backing vocals for the second chorus to make i

The making of Civil War  On the 3rd December 2022 we came up with the riff for civil war and posted us playing it on instagram ^ over the past 3 months we have developed the riff and created new parts to make a whole song. The link i have attached above is a video of us recording civil war in the studio on the 14th December 2022. On this day we also all worked on vocals for the song too. We named it civil war as we always argue as a band, so it's like a civil war in that we are together as a band but always fight like country's are together as country but can disagree and fight. Over this time the song has changed and been developed by us all in different ways. Eventually we recorded the final take of the song and had it mixed by isaac (he did a very good job as the mix sounds extremely good)  The mix:

recording vocals

 On the 28th April Anthony recorded his vocals for 'i wrote this in your bed'. To do this he used a rodent1a. Anthony went step by step through the song, by first recording the vocals for the first verse and then so on through the song. After completing the basic vocal line Anthony then added harmonies to the choruses and to certain words at the end of the verses. We listened back to the song as a band and decided that some of the harmonies were too choir like and changed the song too much from its original genre. To combat this we said we would bury the harmonies in the mix so that they weren't too strong or overpowering, but instead just right for the genre. Anthony then decided to re do some of his other parts to get them a little bit cleaner as he was flat on some of the notes. Once he had finished that we were done for the day, which means all we have to get recorded now is Anthony's guitar next week and then we can start mixing the song and then mastering it. In t

Friday 28th April

 Today we thought that we should try and write some new material for our ep. To start this process we went on logic and connected a rodent1a mic to simply record us trying to figure out a melody on the guitar. After around 20 minutes of coming up with different things we didn't have much hope, so we listened back for more inspiration. We found a point in time where alex tuned the guitar down like a bass and played a weird but cool bassline. We took it and looped it. It had us talking in the background which sounded very cool so we kept it as it was. Then alex recorded a mini solo over the top of it on an accoustic guitar. This concluded the session and meant that we had one more idea for a new song. As you can see in this image it was a very simple idea of recording. We only used one mic that was just pointed to the guitar, so it could also pick up the background noise of us talking. This was a useful way of recording as we could hear our ideas and can go back and listen again if w

a change to my ep

As a band we decided that the previous fish idea would take too long to complete in our time range, therefore we have chosen to just get 5 of our songs that we have previously created recorded and released as an ep. The main reason for this is because the fish idea was aa good idea, but it would take too long to create 5 original tracks and then record them all before the deadline. So it is just easier to create an ep with 5 of our existing songs, as all we have to do is record them (which will still take quite some time)

recording guitar

 After recording my drums on Wednesday we decided to record guitar the next day also for the song 'i wrote this in your bed'. Alex set up all of his pedals and we put mics in front of the amp he was using. After he was set up we put a clicl track to my drums and tried to connect it to his headphones. However he said that his guitar was too loud in the headphones and he could barely hear the drums. so we decided to send the drums and clicl on WhatsApp as an mp3 so that he could listen through his headphones, which worked well. Alex wasn't comfortable with playing without either the bass or vocals, as he wasn't used to it, so we set up an auto interface and plugged Isaac's bass in and let him record his baseline to the song. After that Anthony decided to record a basic vocal guide to help Alex. We then managed to record Alex's guitar and after a few takes we got a good one. Next we filmed Alex fake playing to the track coming out of the pa so that we had more foot

recording drums

On Wednesday we recorded my drums for a song we made called 'I wrote this in your bed' first we set up a kick drum mic , then a bottom and top snare mic, then a mic for the floor tom and a mic for the high tom and a mic for the hi hat. We then set up two overhead mics and positioned them in a certain way around the kit. After sound checking the drums and making sure all the outputs worked and it was recording properly I set up my in ear monitors and listened to a click track set to 195 bpm. After my first take we did two more to have options to choose from and in the second and third Anthony filmed me playing so that we had footage for a music video. We listened back to all of the recordings and the second was the best as isaac changed the levels from the first one so that they sounded better so that is the one we used. in these photos you can clearly see all the mics that we used and the exact way they were set up to get the best sound out of the drums that we possibly could.

my influences as a drummer

 I first started playing drums in primary school and I played for about 2 years with a full drum set every week. I stopped having lessons because my teacher had personal issues which unmotivated me, so I stopped playing. I started having lessons again at teach me music academy in kidderminster in 2019 and eventually achieved a grade 8 in 2022. After that I stopped having lessons as I realised I just had to practice on my own for a while. I had two drum teachers - Jak Bachelor and Rob Hodgson. Jack helped me with my grades and with learning new styles and music theory. While Rob helped me with technique(mostly with getting my double bass up to speed to play fast metal songs, and getting my hands a lot faster) and learning metal songs, as my goal at the time was to be able to play very fast death metal songs. When I first started playing in primary I was influenced by a guy who came in and did an assembly about drums (he eventually became my teacher) and I listened to rock stuff mainly l

step by step for my final major project

 for my final major project i have decided to create an ep with my band the cage. to do this we have discussed the steps we will need to take to create this ep: the first thing we discussed is the genre and style we want the ep to be in, as all songs have to sound similair. we came up with an indie-rock kind of genre , as it will fit well for our band. the next thing we talked about is creating a theme for the ep and brainstorming ideas for what it would be aout. we sat down in the studio and isaac came up with an idea of basing all the song on different types of fish. we then thought more and decided we could write the songs based on fish but have a deeper meaning to them. after this we started writing the first song based on our genre and theme that we decided. we came up with around half a full song, which was good and we will continue it another time, as well as creating new ideas for the 4 other songs. as we haven't got to this stage yet we would like to be able to record demo

studio time

During this session we tried to create a theme for our EP. Eventually we all came up with an idea of making all of the songs in our ep about different types of fish, however with deeper meanings. For example we could do a song about a goldfish but the deeper meaning is about dementia and how it affects different peoples lives. Another example is a song about a dolphin, as they are often misconceived as fish however they aren't classed as fish which could represent how people are misunderstood in life. we will do 5 songs about 5 different fish.   in this picture you can see we have recorded parts to a song that we came up with after having the goldfish idea. we didn't record properly as it was just to remember what each of our parts to the song were and what the melody was, so that we can develop it another time.