recording vocals

 On the 28th April Anthony recorded his vocals for 'i wrote this in your bed'. To do this he used a rodent1a. Anthony went step by step through the song, by first recording the vocals for the first verse and then so on through the song. After completing the basic vocal line Anthony then added harmonies to the choruses and to certain words at the end of the verses. We listened back to the song as a band and decided that some of the harmonies were too choir like and changed the song too much from its original genre. To combat this we said we would bury the harmonies in the mix so that they weren't too strong or overpowering, but instead just right for the genre. Anthony then decided to re do some of his other parts to get them a little bit cleaner as he was flat on some of the notes. Once he had finished that we were done for the day, which means all we have to get recorded now is Anthony's guitar next week and then we can start mixing the song and then mastering it.

In these pictures it shows the mic that anthony used connected to the desk and to logic. This is all he needed when he recorded his vocals and harmony lines for the song as no other instruments were recorded for that day.
