recording guitar

 After recording my drums on Wednesday we decided to record guitar the next day also for the song 'i wrote this in your bed'. Alex set up all of his pedals and we put mics in front of the amp he was using. After he was set up we put a clicl track to my drums and tried to connect it to his headphones. However he said that his guitar was too loud in the headphones and he could barely hear the drums. so we decided to send the drums and clicl on WhatsApp as an mp3 so that he could listen through his headphones, which worked well. Alex wasn't comfortable with playing without either the bass or vocals, as he wasn't used to it, so we set up an auto interface and plugged Isaac's bass in and let him record his baseline to the song. After that Anthony decided to record a basic vocal guide to help Alex. We then managed to record Alex's guitar and after a few takes we got a good one. Next we filmed Alex fake playing to the track coming out of the pa so that we had more footage for a music video.

These pictures show all of the pedals alex was using to record and they also show how we miced up the amp to record the guitar.
