recording drums

On Wednesday we recorded my drums for a song we made called 'I wrote this in your bed' first we set up a kick drum mic , then a bottom and top snare mic, then a mic for the floor tom and a mic for the high tom and a mic for the hi hat. We then set up two overhead mics and positioned them in a certain way around the kit. After sound checking the drums and making sure all the outputs worked and it was recording properly I set up my in ear monitors and listened to a click track set to 195 bpm. After my first take we did two more to have options to choose from and in the second and third Anthony filmed me playing so that we had footage for a music video. We listened back to all of the recordings and the second was the best as isaac changed the levels from the first one so that they sounded better so that is the one we used.

in these photos you can clearly see all the mics that we used and the exact way they were set up to get the best sound out of the drums that we possibly could.

iwtiyb drums - this is the link to the final drum recording for this song. As you can hear it is the pure drums with no mixing yet, which is why the snare sounds terrible in oarticukar and the rest doesn't sound great. When we mix the song we will make the snare more sharp and punchy along with making the rest of the drums sound much better by enhancing them using logics features and/or using a plugin. (Also the drum track has a click on as alex used it to record his guitar to).
