my influences as a drummer

 I first started playing drums in primary school and I played for about 2 years with a full drum set every week. I stopped having lessons because my teacher had personal issues which unmotivated me, so I stopped playing. I started having lessons again at teach me music academy in kidderminster in 2019 and eventually achieved a grade 8 in 2022. After that I stopped having lessons as I realised I just had to practice on my own for a while. I had two drum teachers - Jak Bachelor and Rob Hodgson. Jack helped me with my grades and with learning new styles and music theory. While Rob helped me with technique(mostly with getting my double bass up to speed to play fast metal songs, and getting my hands a lot faster) and learning metal songs, as my goal at the time was to be able to play very fast death metal songs.

When I first started playing in primary I was influenced by a guy who came in and did an assembly about drums (he eventually became my teacher) and I listened to rock stuff mainly like queen (that's all I remember). And when I started again in 2019 it was because I had being seeing videos online of drummers that caught my eye and that I found very cool. Some of the drummer that I looked up to at the time were classic YouTube drummers such as: cooperdrums and mattmcguiredrums, Luke Holland was also inspiring for me. I will link all 3 of these drummers here-

I also started to learn metal techniques from many metal drummers such as Kerim Lechner (drummer for septic flesh) Jay Weinberg(drummer from slipknot) and many more. These drummers were interviewed and reviewed by the ex drummer from belphegor who has a YouTube channel to teach people metal drums-

recently I have been watching a Spanish drummer who posts on social media and who is cray at the instrument. he is called El Estepario Siberiano and here is his channel-

In summary I have had a lot of different influences (there are way too many to name on here) some personally and some through social media, however they have all motivated and inspired me to learn the skills and techniques and genres I know how to play today and they are the reason I keep playing drums.

my drum kit is a roland vad506. i got this in the february of 2022. it is an acoustic designed electric kit, which means it looks and feels like an acoustic, however it has the qualities of an e kit. it is very quiet, so i can practice late at night no problem and my family don't get annoyed from the sound. it has many different pre sets of drums and a lot of great features about it that help my practicing a lot. its built in metronome allows me to practice to a click very easily and you can change the time signature from 4/4 to 5/4 to 12/8 very easily, so it's great for my practicing and developing different skills on my drums. it is also brilliant for recording, as all i have to do it plug it into my computer and it records straight into logic, so i can remember cool drum beats i want to use in a song, or i can record a drum cover... whatever. 

i also recently got some knew acoustic cymbals to accompany my pearl export drums (the ones i used before i got the e kit) the cymbals are meinl byzance limited edition assorted cymbal set and they sound amazing. i mainly got them for gigging and so far they have been very good. i have used them at 2 gigs already and it just makes the gig a lot more enjoyable, as they are much more fun to play and sound better than my old cymbals.
