step by step for my final major project

 for my final major project i have decided to create an ep with my band the cage. to do this we have discussed the steps we will need to take to create this ep:

the first thing we discussed is the genre and style we want the ep to be in, as all songs have to sound similair. we came up with an indie-rock kind of genre , as it will fit well for our band.

the next thing we talked about is creating a theme for the ep and brainstorming ideas for what it would be aout. we sat down in the studio and isaac came up with an idea of basing all the song on different types of fish. we then thought more and decided we could write the songs based on fish but have a deeper meaning to them.

after this we started writing the first song based on our genre and theme that we decided. we came up with around half a full song, which was good and we will continue it another time, as well as creating new ideas for the 4 other songs.

as we haven't got to this stage yet we would like to be able to record demos for all of our 5 songs when we have the structure for them and the basic outline. this is so we can ask others what their thoughts are and if we should change anything.

then we will develop the songs off other peoples feedback and change them for the final take. this means we will be able to record them properly in a professional studio that we will have to pay for.

once we have a final take of each song that we are happy with we will mix and master the songs either ourselves or by a professional again.

we can now start recording footage for a video for one or maybe more of the songs with a proper photographer and then set a deadline for the release of the ep and then start promoting.
