Friday 28th April

 Today we thought that we should try and write some new material for our ep. To start this process we went on logic and connected a rodent1a mic to simply record us trying to figure out a melody on the guitar. After around 20 minutes of coming up with different things we didn't have much hope, so we listened back for more inspiration. We found a point in time where alex tuned the guitar down like a bass and played a weird but cool bassline. We took it and looped it. It had us talking in the background which sounded very cool so we kept it as it was. Then alex recorded a mini solo over the top of it on an accoustic guitar. This concluded the session and meant that we had one more idea for a new song.

As you can see in this image it was a very simple idea of recording. We only used one mic that was just pointed to the guitar, so it could also pick up the background noise of us talking. This was a useful way of recording as we could hear our ideas and can go back and listen again if we can't remember them.
