practice session 4th May

 today we rehearsed our set twice for our gig on sunday at the sunflower lounge and also for our critique clinic tomorrow at college. we ran through the whole set - song for song , also practicing what Anthony will say to the audience, when to change guitars and when to switch things around. we did this so we are now very prepared for all of our gigs coming up. it sounded very tight. i also practiced playing to my click track to make sure my drums are as clean and crisp as possible when playing live. as a band i think we sound great. however i think i need to work on my endurance for my forearms and wrists at home, as through the set my arms get quite tired and tight, but i can still make it through the whole thing every time which is good.

this was our setup for rehearsal. it was very simple, as we just used the drum kit, bass and both guitars to practice. this was because alex didn't bring in his pedal board, therefore we couldn't practice exactly like it will be on the night of the gig.
