more drum recording + bass

 yesterday on the 10th of may we decided to record drums for one of our songs called 'dead'. we set up a kick mic, a floor tom an high tom mic, a hi hat mic, a snare top and bottom mic and 2 overhead mics. this got all of the sound out of the drums that we needed for this song, as i incorporate all of the drums and cymbals throughout this song. after setting up the mics and tuning the drums to a decent sound we connected headphones to the studio and logic, meaning i could hear the click from logic this time and not from my phone like last time. i think this worked well as we didn't have to line up the drums to the click like before and it sounded pretty tight. for the recording as it was just me and the click and no other instruments i asked anthony to come in the room with me to tell me/sing me the changes. this was a good idea, because all went well and i got the structure of the song perfectly. this meant that my first take was pretty good. we had a break and then did one more take for good luck and decided that was enough. we will use the first take for the mix and for everyone else to record to next time.

isaac also quickly recorded his bass to my drum track too. as well as me he listened through the headphones, however he could hear the click track and my drums so he didn't get lost. at the start of the song there are 4 bars where it's just the bass playing. to help isaac i made sure to count him in and then count on the hi hat in my drum recording, so he knew what was going on. isaac messed up a little bit on his first take and a little bit on his second, but we decided to merge the two together , as the mistakes he made allowed us to do this because they were in different parts of the song.
