
today we talked about quite a lot of things and we also recorded guitar for 'the day i left'. firstly the whole band got together and spoke about changing up our setlist a tiny bit. we chose to change our cover of the who's 'my generation' for a more popular cover that people would know and could sing along to. the options we came up with were break stuff by limp bizkit, teenage dirtbag and other songs from bands like metallica and nirvana (the generic type). we decided that break stuff would be a good fit to swap into our set and play it near the end with 'the day i left' and civil war' as they are all low tuning for the guitars. we have done this change so that we have an extra song under our belts if we need it, because our next gig is on the 9th july, so if we don't get another  original completed we can use the cover instead. also once we have an all original set we could use break stuff as an encore song if the crowd wants another.

we also spoke about our ep and the songs we will use and also the cover art. the songs we thought would be best in the end were 'dead' as the intro song, then 'i wrote this in your bed', then 'the day i left', which leads in perfectly to 'civil war' (the perfect song to end on for the ep) this means our ep has had to be cut one song short from 5 songs to 4. we do have another song 'mrs jane' however we don't think that it's a good fit for this ep, judging by the style of the other songs ans we think its better to release that on its own. we will release mrs jane as a singe, as well as i wrote this in your bed as a single because i wrote this in your bed is most peoples favorite song (according to the people that have seen us live) however i wrote this in your bed will still be in the ep. as for the cover art i think we have left it too late to get anything perfect made but that was never the plan in the first place, so next week we will just take a random picture of what we think fits , or just get a picture of us as a band.

after all the talking we recorded alex's guitar part for 'the day i left'. we set up a mic in front of his amp again and alex used all of his usual pedals. so it was pretty much exactly how we normally record his guitar. the only difference was we did it in another studio, as oppose to the one we usually do it in. after the sound check we were having problems with playing my previously recorded drum track to alex's headphones which was a problem. we didn't figure out what was causing this, so isaac had to bounce the logic file and send my drums to alex on whatsapp. this wasn't the most professional, as alex had to listen through his headphones and wasn't playing to a click either (although he prefers that) but it got the job done. alex played a new solo that he came up with while improvising on the song, because of this we took about 4 takes (3 normal and 1 with the improvised solo) to ensure we had a normal take and one with the cool solo if we want to use it. the recording session went well overally once we finally got it done after all the problems and we have now nearly got all of our 4 songs done for the ep. we now only need to record bass, anthonys's guitar and vocals and then it will be time to mix and master.
